For Philadelphia
It’s important we appreciate these moments because it’s truly a present! Shop’s come and gone, people that worked at the shop come and go! Not many are left from what I like to call the “Golden Dayz” of Philly Streetwear.
So it's important we appreciate it now because tomorrow is not promised! One of my favorite things about these shops, these brands, are the people that represent the store! The people in the store front are very important to the community! They help keep the community alive!
Sometimes people forget who's behind the social media handles, behind the desk, behind the register. They forget that we're human too. Appreciate the people that represent these stores and those who are behind the scenes.
So let’s keep the good times rolling and keep making good memories!
Together, we can keep the community strong!

We Love the Philly Streetwear Culture!
Support our Family: @atmos_usa , @lapstoneandhammer , @suplexphiladelphia , @commonground12 , @nocturnalskate